The Report Of The Teacher Preparedness Training Workshop



     1. Dr. Olaitan Oyedun Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, OAUTHC
     2. Dr. Tope Ojo Consultant, Public Health Physician, Community Health, OAUTHC
     3. Dr. Sola Fajobi Senior Registrar, Department of Community Health, OAUTHC
     4. Dr. Titi Adeyanju Public Health Physician, OAUTHC
     5. Dr Adesanmi Akinsulore Lecturer, Department of Mental Health, OAU, Ile-Ife
     6. Dr Bisi Anyadike Proprietress [Planning Committee Head]
     7. Aunty Itua Teaching Staff
     8. Aunty Ife      √
     9. Aunty Joy      √
  10. Aunty Dorcas       √
  11. Aunty Dora      √
  12. Aunty Josephine      √
  13. Aunty Esther      √
  14. Aunty Yemi       √
  15. Aunty Boluwatife       √
  16. Aunty Jumoke       √
  17. Aunty Lara       √
  18. Aunty Dayo       √
  19. Aunty Ejiro        √
  20. Uncle Wale        √
  21. Uncle Timothy        √
  22. Uncle Tomiwa         √
  23. Aunty Esther Non-Teaching Staff
  24. Aunty Nike           √
  25. Aunty Deborah          √
  26. Mama Kunle          √
  27. Mama Bolu         √
  28. Uncle Sam         √
  29. Baba Ogbonna         √
  30. Special Guest of Honour Professor Chima Anyadike


In attendance were also photographers and computer engineers.

The meeting started with on opening prayer by Aunty Itua at 11:20am followed by the welcoming address by Dr. Bisi Anyadike [the Proprietress]. The speakers then took their turns in the delivery of the training.


Dr Olaitan Oyedun, the first speaker spoke on the topic, “The Pandemic”. He explained the history of the corona virus both in Nigeria and abroad. According to him, corona virus is found mostly in bats. Corona viruses are MERS, SARS, COVID-19, etc. The first case in Nigeria was on the 27th of February, second case on the 9th of March, Federal Government closure of schools on the 19th of March and the lockdown activities were between 30th of March and 4th of May. He took the trainees through the symptoms of COVID-19, its spread, those mostly at risk, preventions, face mask advisory and so on.


Dr Tope Ojo, and his colleague, Dr. Sola Fajobi spoke immensely on the safe school Operations, Classroom protocols, physical distancing, health and hand hygiene, cleaning and disinfecting, overcoming stigmatisation and the realities of COVID-19. They admonished the members of staff to be cautious and vigilant. They implored everyone to maintain frequent personal hygiene. Dr Tope Ojo took the trainees through proper hand sanitizing and washing. The session ended with questions and answers.


Dr Adesanmi Akinsulore spoke on well-Being and Protection. He shed light on the mental issues in Education. He implored the members of staff to manage their stress well to avoid mental disorder. He admonished the school management to also take note of this. He concluded by encouraging the teachers to be patient with their pupils especially this time of resumption after a long break of 6 months.


The workshop ended with a closing session by Dr Bisi Anyadike who spoke on the topic, “Back to Teaching and Learning”. She took the members of the teaching staff on Edmodo and its realities with the aid of videos and materials. She appreciated all the participants and encouraged the members of the teaching staff to go through the materials given to them.


The workshop ended at 4 : 30pm.


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