
The curriculum, which the school offers, is broadly based, balanced and relevant. It aims to provide a quality educational experience for all children in our care.

The curriculum is designed to promote the intellectual, physical, moral, emotional and aesthetic growth and development of each child at a level appropriate to their understanding.

Each child is recognized as a unique individual and learning is fashioned so that all children gain a sense of achievement and pleasure from it.



  • To develop lively and enquiring minds with the ability to ask questions, solve problems, argue rationally and apply themselves to responsibilities.
  • To use at least one Nigerian language, English language and French with proficiency.
  • To use number effectively and with understanding.
  • To develop a critical understanding of their past as Nigerians and Africans and inculcate a sense of patriotism.
  • Develop an awareness of our rich cultural heritage as Nigerians in particular and Africans generally and of the inter-dependence of individuals, groups and nations.
  • To value the significance of human achievements and sow seeds of strong positive aspirations in each child.
  • Develop a sense of self-respect and willingness to be self-motivated and contribute to the welfare of others.
  • Develop a respect for other people acknowledging that the differences in abilities, background and beliefs bring richness into our own lives.
  • Gain pleasure from joining with others in games, cultural experiences, and outdoor activities and develop the social skills needed to live and work cooperatively.



Our curriculum stems from the Nigerian National Curriculum and is adapted to make it broadly based and balanced. It is regularly reviewed and kept relevant to ensure that we continuously promote the intellectual, physical, moral, emotional and aesthetic growth and development of each child, at levels appropriate to their understanding. Each child is recognized as a unique individual and learning is fashioned so that all children gain a sense of achievement and pleasure from learning which brings excellence and enjoyment together. Below is a graphic illustration of our curriculum and how we provide quality educational experiences for all children in our care.




In May 2020 we launched our preliminary Virtual School via Google Classroom and utilized Zoom for interactive sessions. The programme ran successfully for children in the Primary 1-6 for three months. It was an exciting educational experience for both teachers and pupils. With teachers having completed intensive training real time and virtual, we have successfully developed a special blended approach to virtual learning which combines various new learning techniques with the old methods of face-to-face classroom meetings.

Our new programme includes: Portfolios (paper learning packets) video broadcasts, audio lessons, assignments and an array of assorted learning materials in addition to real time classes. Other important aspects of the curriculum such as sports, social pursuits, and active teamwork, which all contribute to the education of happy, healthy, and strong well-balanced and academically sound children, have been seamlessly reintegrated.


Sunshine is known for her creativity and we moved to the next level with a boom! We continue to inspire our children with innovative lessons, unique learning opportunities and high-quality teaching in our new blended virtual learning.

Our Virtual School Experience has three key aspects:

  • Connected time where students can learn from their teachers ‘live’ using our safe and secure online platforms.
  • Guided timewhere pupils learn independently through tailored tasks set by their teacher.
  • Virtual Social Interaction Where club activities, projects, excursions and meeting people further enhance learning


Our virtual school strikes a balance between on and offline learning time so that our children can make the most of the new personalised learning from home, without being glued to the screen of a computer, IPad or phone.

Our children:

  • Participate in real-time lessons through a safe and secure platform
  • Enjoy a balance of online and offline learning taught by their teachers
  • Receive high-quality, interactive assignments and regular personalised feedback
  • Complete virtual tasks and activities with their classmates
  • Develop essential skills and nurture curiosity through independent learning
  • In the upper Primary have Coding as an additional subject. We consider teaching pupils to simply be users of the computer and technology is no longer enough, rather it is increasingly more important and useful for them to learn to be creators.
  • As a parent, you receive regular updates from via WhatsApp, Edmodo, YouTube and Edves of their progress and achievements